Bizagi version 11.0

Released on 08/29/16

In this release

New features and improvements

New features
Personalize your end user’s experience, making it unique for each end user

Bizagi lets you create a unique experience for each and every one of your end users. Bizagi adapts their Work Portal by understanding who they are, what they want and what they need.
The Work Portal has a new menu called Me, that dynamically adjusts to any change in each individual’s situation, presenting all the options and features that make sense to their particular circumstances.


Create Stakeholders to represent groups of end users in your application and make available similar capabilities to interact with the Work Portal, enabling deep personalization in their overall experience (i.e. Doctor, Patient, Teacher, Student, Credit Analyst, Customer).
Enabling a user as a Stakeholder brings a host of benefits. Stakeholders are decision makers that can launch processes, update data records (without being involved in any process) and link process together to create powerful cases. They can also view, order, sort and navigate data that belongs to them (i.e. their credit cards, their appointments, their cars, their tickets).


Actions enable Stakeholders to achieve an objective that he/she consciously wills, via a button. Actions can launch processes, update data records with the click of a button (independent of the processes it is related to), create new records of an entity (also being independent of a process) and link process together to create powerful cases.
Actions can be launched to affect or create an individual data records of your project, or multiple records at the same time.
For example, we can create Actions to book a hotel, update customer record or approve multiple requests at the same time.


Find the data you need. This version offers powerful search capabilities for Stakeholders to view and manage business data, independent of the processes it is related to.
The resulting list of data records will present the Actions defined in the authoring environment. For example, if a Patient is looking for General Doctors, the result set will contain, for each doctor, buttons that enable scheduling an appointment or viewing all their information.

My Stuff

Enable knowledge workers to view, sort, navigate and manage data that belongs to them via a new section in the Work Portal called My Stuff (i.e. their credit cards, their appointments, their cars, their tickets).
Each set of data is presented as a list where existing records can be navigated, filtered and sorted. Each record will present the Actions defined in the authoring environment.
For example, a Customer can access and view the cars he/she has purchased. When navigating the set of his/her cars, each car will display buttons that enable sending it to maintenance or selling it.


In the digital world Context is key. Bizagi 11 is context-aware and intelligently presents only the options and information that make sense in a particular situation. This empowers knowledge workers to make informed decisions, such as when to start a process or update data, boosting agility and productivity.
Create contexts within Stakeholders to define which actions, information and searches are shown in a particular state or situation. You need to define a condition for each Context. When met, the system shows the defined actions, information and searches within it.
For example, a context is created to display, for a pregnant Patient all her Ultrasounds and an Action to schedule a pregnancy check-up. Thus, if a male patient is logged in these options will not be displayed.


Different knowledge workers use data in different ways. Bizagi 11 lets you create several Templates for each data object, so you can define the visual appearance and the information to be displayed for each type of user.
For example, you can define two different Templates for the Appointment entity, in a Medical solution. Appointments for Doctors would display the Patient and time. Appointments for Patients would show the treating Doctor, the time and a location.
If you don’t specify a data template, Bizagi creates a default template that includes some attributes of the entity.


Not all processes can be planned ahead of time – they arise from new circumstances. But once they have arisen, they should be managed. Think of a meeting and all the series of activities that are left to be done. Bizagi introduces a wonderful capability that allow to create a Plan to control a series of activities from your Work Portal.
With Plans you decide the activities that need to be done, the order in which they are executed (sequential or in parallel), establish due dates and the responsible person for each of them.
Users who have been allocated to Plan activities, can in turn create additional Plans for themselves.

Automatic data injection

Avoid creating business rules to inject information to new cases or forms. Bizagi now injects data for you, understanding who the Stakeholder logged in is, and the data that is involved.

Relevant to me

Enable Stakeholders to launch their most used processes with just one click. A new section called Relevant presents a list of the most used processes, and with just one click starts a new case instance, injecting the information of the Stakeholder.


Triggers are automatic actions that react to any change in data and run immediately after that, when a condition is met. For example, a trigger can be used to upgrade a Customer to VIP when his/her purchases exceed certain limit. There are two types of triggers to choose from: launch a process or execute a Rule.

Start form

Use Start forms to launch a new case instance temporarily, and allow end users to confirm the process creation when they are certain of this action, or closing the form without confirming to avoid unnecessary case creation.

Conditional task

The Conditional task is a Bizagi extension of BPM 2.0 standard. When used in a process, this task is enabled or disabled during the course of a case instance depending upon a business condition. It represents a user task, that is, when enabled the task is allocated to an end user.
For example, imagine an Emergency Room. A Patient arrives and a triage is performed. Then, a doctor examines the patient and usually some exams are ordered. Only when all the exams are taken and a result for all of them is received, should the Review exams activity be enabled. Thus, the Review exams task is represented using a Conditional Task. This way, when Bizagi evaluates the condition that that all ordered exams are ready, will a doctor call-in a Patient to review them.
In Bizagi Studio, the authoring environment, a condition must be set to the Conditional Task to enable or disable it, according to the business conditions.
In Runtime, allocated end users will be able to see the task in their pending lists when the condition is met. If the condition is not met, is like the task never existed.


This version allows creating entities that inherit attributes and Actions from parent entities. This facilitates reusing the structure of an entity created, to speed up a solutions construction and creating complex Action trees with the new control called Polymorphic launcher.

New Form controls

This version comes with three new controls in the Forms designer to enable using the personalization features:


Go beyond the integration features provided out-of-the-box, by plugging in ready-to-use connectors or by creating your own ones. Creating new connectors is made easy with the Bizagi Connector Editor, a browser-accessible SDK walking you through the building steps. Connectors are:

  • Portable (platform-independent) and highly scalable by relying on Node.js.
  • Completely reusable and easy to configure, by making the most of Bizagi graphical mapping features for inputs and outputs.
  • Enhanced with built-in tracing to speed up any troubleshooting.
  • Multi-versioned, while allowing you to run these versions simultaneously.

Case folder

Bizagi handles a collaborative strategy that attempts to coordinate knowledge workers, information, correspondence and resources to progress a case to achieve a particular goal.
Bizagi v11 presents a Case folder, individual for each case, designed to integrate its discussions, files and the case’s Timeline.

  • Stakeholders can rely on Discussions to support one another in the resolution of the case.
  • Any users interested in the case can add Files to complete the available information.


Present in each case’s Case folder the Timeline links together all processes and activities that have been launched via Actions, by Stakeholders.
The Timeline features a list of all activities executed in the process with the user allocated and the time of resolution, sorted by when they were created. It also contains a Process map to view the connection between processes (i.e. which processes launched which ones) and an Activity map, presenting which Activities where the ones that launched another.
In the main Timeline view each Activity will present two icons containing the graphic view and the Log of the processes that it belongs to.


Bizagi Diagnostics is a toolkit featured by Bizagi in order to provide monitoring options for Bizagi Engine operations in a test or production environment.
By relying on Bizagi Diagnostics, a system administrator may run health checks on Bizagi Engine components and overall, while identifying issues that are affecting the adequate operations of the Bizagi project (e.g., performance issues, service downtime), in order to analyse and resolve them promptly.

Improvements in authentication

Several improvements were made to the authentication methods. Very important to read:

Simulation in Process Modeler

You can now use the Simulation feature that was available in Bizagi Modeler, from within Bizagi Studio.

User interface

Enjoy a modern visual experience with our new and enhanced look & feel in Studio and Engine.

32 bits no longer supported

Bizagi 11 will be available in a 64 bits edition exclusively.

OS and DB no longer supported

Bizagi 11 will no longer support SQL Server 2005, Oracle 10g, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

V9 Forms

Upgraded projects will need to migrate all its forms to v10 forms. V9 will no longer be supported. If a project has V9 forms the project will not upgrade.

Deprecated functions in rules

The following functions are deprecated and will not work in Bizagi 11:

  • Me.Case.ProcessDefinition.Id
  • CHelper.NewCase(Me, IdWFClass)
  • CHelper.NewCaseByUser(idUser, IdWFClass)
  • CHelper.getSiblingProcessesId(Me, IdWFClass)
  • CHelper.getAttrib(idEntity, oEntityKey, sAttribName)
  • CHelper.getEntityAttrib(“Entity”,”ValueToReturn”,”filter”,””)
  • CHelper.setAttrib(idEntity, oEntityKey, sAttribName, oAttribValue)
  • CHelper.GetNextSeqValueInt(idSeq);

We must use the name of the parameter, instead of the ID. The following functions are the ones that must be used:

  • Me.Case.ProcessDefinition.Name(WFClassName)
  • CHelper.NewCase(Me, WFClassName)
  • CHelper.NewCaseByUser(idUser, WFClassName)
  • CHelper.getSiblingProcessesId(Me, WFClassName)
  • CHelper.getAttrib(sEntityName, oEntityKey, sAttribName)
  • CHelper.setAttrib(sEntityName, oEntityKey, sAttribName, oAttribValue)
  • CHelper.GetNextSeqValueStr(seqName)
  • CEntityManager.GetEntity(EntName)

In the 11.0 version the following features are not available:

  • In Deployment the option Check metadata is no longer available.
  • Due to underlying improvements in Bizagi’s data model, where a new database catalog was introduced, the option to generate the scripts to deploy is no longer available.