Fall 2024

Released on 10/31/24


Fall 2024 version will take your automated processes to new heights.  

With enhanced AI capabilities, you will experience smarter, faster, and more intuitive processes than ever before. We have boosted our technology to help you automate, innovate, and scale with greater efficiency.

In this release

New features, improvements and fixes

The following list consists of features, improvements and fixes that are relevant in this update.

New features

AI Agents 
AI Agent Templates

We have introduced AI Agent Templates in Bizagi Studio to streamline your AI Agent creation process. These Templates are organized into Solutions for easy browsing and filtering. You can also search Templates by Solution, Title, or Description. Each Template includes preset Prompts and auto-fills the creation window with relevant details, making customization faster and more efficient.


AI Agents using files as inputs

You can upload files to AI Agents so that Bizagi’s AI can quickly provide insights and solutions based on the content. This makes it easier to process large volumes of information, or complex data such as handwritten text.


Execute AI Agents from Form Actions

With the Execute AI Agents from Form Actions feature, you can make use of AI Agents from Form Actions in Bizagi Studio. This feature integrates the use of Artificial Intelligence with the execution of Form Actions so that you can customize the actions needed in your business process. Likewise, this feature allows the resolution of complex tasks with the use of artificial intelligence allowing to automate tasks that make the business process more efficient.


App Designer
Color palette

The Color palette feature in the App Designer replaces the previous Themes feature, providing more flexibility to create, edit, and manage palettes for your apps. Accessible via the Tools menu of the App Designer editor, you can now work with Default palettes like Light, Nature, and Midnight, or create Custom palettes.


Cut, Copy, Paste, and Move commands

We've introduced new commands in the App Designer editor to streamline your workflow: Cut, Copy, Paste, and Move. These features make it easier to manage and organize your app's Controls, minimizing manual effort and errors.

With Cut, Copy, and Paste, you can reposition or replicate selected Controls within or across different Pages, placing them exactly where needed.


Move allows you to drag and rearrange Controls in real time, streamlining your app’s layout.


Show/Hide elements 

The Show/Hide elements section in the App Designer allows you to show or hide the new record button in collection controls and data-table controls configured with Source type: “My Stuff”. Additionally, it allows you to show or hide the common actions checkboxes in data-table controls configured with Views as source type. 


Ask Ada
Display entity attributes in Ask Ada 

Master and Persona entity attributes configured in the Data Domain of the Experience Matrix, will appear in a pop-up window when clicking the relevant entity in the You can ask me about: segment of the Ask Ada section in a published app. 


Management Console Web
Time zone management in the MCW

Date and time management in the Management Console, has been improved with a new configuration option. You can now set the Business time zone and choose the time zone in which you want to view dates and times, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.


Multiple version support for SCS

You can seamlessly work and manage projects running in different Bizagi versions directly from Bizagi Studio in the development environment. This feature allows you to easily identify the version for each different project directly from the Build Page and the Bizagi Studio home wizard.


Experience Matrix Access Control

You can define and manage access to the Experience Matrices for the Collaboration Teams. Security configuration is available at two levels: General level on the Experience Matrix menu or individual for each matrix. The type of access assigned to each group determines the visibility and interactions with the Experience Matrix.


Time zone management in Studio

Date and time management in Bizagi Studio has been improved with a new configuration option. You can now select the time zone in which you want to view dates and times, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.



AI Agents
AI Agents GPT-4o support 

AI Agents now support GPT-4o, enhancing response accuracy and speed while maintaining compatibility with GPT-3.5, for improved user experience and more efficient decision-making. 

AI Agents GPT-4o.png

App Designer
Filters on Detail Page with WFUser attributes

The Detail - Entity Form page in the App Designer will now display three attributes related to the WFUser when the entity shown in the View has a relationship with the WFUser (i.e., it is a Persona entity). The attributes that will appear are: contactEmail, fullName, and userName.


Multiple Pages with the Same Name

The "Multiple Pages with the Same Name" improvement allows you to create multiple pages with identical display names. In the editing sidebar, a tooltip now displays the actual page name when hovering over it, helping distinguish between similarly named pages. To avoid clutter, the tooltip showing the page type has been removed, as this information is already available in the menu. This functionality is only enabled in the editing environment.


Merged Actions (formerly known as Batch Actions) support in Apps

Merged Actions is a feature that lets you execute a group of actions in a single process, just as you currently do in the Work Portal. Now, this capability is extended to the Experience Matrix.


Ask Ada
Ask Ada GPT-4o support 

Bizagi's AI Ask Ada component now leverages the advanced capabilities of GPT-4o, delivering more accurate and faster resolutions to your inquiries. This upgrade ensures quicker and more reliable decision-making, enhancing your experience and boosting overall process efficiency. 

Ask Ada Improvements 

This version introduces multiple Ask Ada Improvements to enhance your experience, refining its capabilities. Enhancements include the introduction of new chart types, support to comparative charts, includes automatic example generation to facilitate your usage and addresses ambiguities.

  • Generation of New Examples: Ask Ada utilizes advanced AI to automatically generate examples based on the data model, helping you better understand potential inquiries.

  • Avoiding Ambiguity: Ask Ada can now ask you additional questions to clarify ambiguities, resulting in more precise and accurate queries.

  • New Chart Types: Introduction of new statistical chart types, including line (histograms), donut, and radar charts, broadening the visualization options.

  • Comparative Charts: Ask Ada charts now have the capability to support multiple values on both axes for various chart types, allowing for more complex data analysis.


Ask Ada Dashboard improvements

The Ask Ada Dashboards in Bizagi Apps have been improved, allowing you to select and change the type of chart you want to view for each chart-based response. Additionally, responses saved prior to this update will continue to display correctly, and you can switch between chart types for them just as easily as with new responses.


Table Format improvements

In Bizagi Studio, the Format and Header Format components within the Forms Designer have been enhanced to ensure consistent behavior across all supported devices when you configure it on any of the supported devices.


TLS 1.3 support

Enhanced security for the Engine with support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 protocol. This upgrade ensures stronger data protection during transmission by using the latest encryption standards in integrations with the main component.

Audit traceability improvement 

To enhance user understanding of project changes with developing in Bizagi Studio, the Audit feature has been improved to include the Name and Display Name fields for additions and removals of Business Objects and Personas in the Experience Matrix. 


Multi-version download support for Bizagi Studio

We have introduced the ability to download multiple versions of Bizagi Studio directly from the Build Page, based on the versions available to your company.

The download button is now a drop-down menu, allowing you to choose the version that corresponds to your environments.



Selecting administrable Parametric entities for Microdeployment

The option to import or export administrable parametric entities in Development environments has been added to the Microdeployment menu. This option includes global objects and the process you select to which the parametric entity belongs, along with its existing values.


Work Portal
Edit My searches  

Previously, all My searches configured for the Persona in Studio were static, meaning you couldn't change filters and values at runtime. Now, with the new editing capabilities, you can modify preconfigured searches for greater flexibility. 

To use this feature, click the pencil icon next to the Search Criteria title on the left side of the Work Portal. A pop-up window will appear, where you can update the search fields you'd like to change. 



Security updates

As part of our commitment to providing a secure platform, this version includes several important security enhancements. You can view the detailed security release notes for this version by visiting our Security Updates page.

For more information on how Bizagi addresses vulnerabilities, consult our Vulnerabilities Disclosure Policy.