Mobile Application June 2023

Released on 06/14/23

In this release

New features, improvements and fixes

Loading screen

When you access any module of the application you will find a loading screen while the application loads your information.


Banner settings

An adjustment has been made to the top banner of the application so that it looks the same color on all devices.


Not found page

When your application loses internet connection and you try to access any resource, it will show you the not found screen to inform you that the site cannot be accessed. This page has the Reload button, which allows you to reload the application site.



When you enter the App Launcher module, you will find in the upper left corner the < Back button, which allows you to return to the main menu of the application. Furthermore, when you access one of your apps in the App Launcher module, you will find in the upper left corner the < Go to App Launcher button, which allows you to exit your app and return to the App Launcher module.
