What We Do

Bizagi’s industry-leading platform for low-code process automation connects people, applications, robots, and information. As the most business-friendly and flexible solution on the market, Bizagi enables true collaboration between business and IT, delivering faster adoption and success. Fueled by a community of 1 million users, Bizagi powers over 1,000 organizations worldwide including Adidas, BAE Systems, and Old Mutual.

Our Vision
To be the low-code process automation platform of choice, enabling the agility organizations need to compete in the age of intelligent automation.

Our Mission
To help our customers to transform faster into intelligent digital businesses.

Bizagi possesses the native capabilities and partnerships needed to support business process automation across the enterprise—including business decision management and robotic process automation.”

Forrester Research

Delivering business value for customers across the globe

What makes Bizagi different?

Our business model

Our performance-based pricing model means you only pay for what you use.

Our people

Our dedicated local support teams will guide you through your intelligent automation journey.

Our platform

Our flexible, business-friendly platform allows you to model, simulate and automate any process.

Bizagi’s Spark Methodology

Bizagi’s agile approach is proven to deliver business value in just 7 weeks. We help you select which processes to automate first, advise on implementation best practices and drive expansion.

The Bizagi Team

Our people are passionate about our software and delivering results for our customers.

Careers at Bizagi

We value the individual achievements of our employees and the contribution they make to the overall success of our business.

Our Offices

We are a multinational business with offices across the globe.